Hi! So it's been forever since I've been on here, and I feel really bad about it. I was going to write a post about the Lockout in March, but decided against it.
Short version: I sang at the lockout! I cried two separate times in the hours leading up to it, scared out of my head, but I did it! I also thankful for the strength that Christ gives me. Because without Him that would never have happened.
While we are on the subject of His strength, holy moly have I needed it lately!
I got a job two weeks ago and things have been slightly crazy since. It was exciting for two days, but once I got I to the routine it lost it's...I don't know...sparkle? Could it have sparkled? It's just McDonalds. Lol!
It's still fun when the store isn't empty and when there's not 20 orders at a time though. I do enjoy it.
I am thankful that God has helped me, even though since I've got the job I've slacked off in my personal Bible reading. :-/
I'm working on getting better at keeping it up. I've realized several times that I am at my weakest and my mind at it's darkest when I am at my furthest from Him.
As far as work goes, it's a good job. I get a decent amount of hours, and they are very flexible. So that's a huge plus considering everything ELSE I've got going on.
I am kind of proud of myself because at work I don't have my water. I mean it's there in my bag or in the crew room, but I go hours without it. And I don't even think much of it. I haven't had much major anxiety at work yet, so again I am thankful.
I'm making friends, an hoping to be a testimony to the people there, even though I sometimes have to be very careful if what comes out of my mouth or flows through my fingers on the keyboard now. I hear more language than I am used to, and I think that's the only major thing that I dislike about the job.
Anyways, I wanted to get this post up because I wanted a whole post dedicated to the job thing before tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to my first concert in...4 years? Something like that. Scared is an understatement! Lol
But it'll be good. And I'll share how it goes later.